Monetize your audience.

Create community.

Our service transforms followers into vibrant communities. We create customized websites and manage servers on platforms like Discord, X, Telegram, and Facebook. Our seamless setup and maintenance support unlock new revenue streams, allowing you to focus on engaging your audience while we handle the technical details.

Contact us

Our clients.

"Fanance has been a game changer for us. We were able to create a community of our most loyal fans and monetize it in a way that was previously impossible."
Wataha Empire
Marcin Przybył

You don't need ads.

You need a happy community.

Perhaps you can relate with one of these.

/01You have a large following on social media, but you're struggling to monetize it.
/02You're tired of relying on ads to generate revenue and want to create a more sustainable business model.
/03You want to engage with your audience in a more meaningful way and build a loyal community of fans.
/04You want to focus on creating content and engaging with your audience, not on managing servers and technical details.

We can handle this.

Customized website image
Customized websiteWe create customized subscription-based websites for creators to engage with their audience and monetize their content. Our websites are designed to be user-friendly and visually appealing, making it easy for creators to connect with their audience and grow their community.
Community server image
Community serverWe manage servers on platforms like Discord, X, Telegram, and Facebook, allowing creators to engage with their audience and monetize their content. Our seamless setup and maintenance support unlock new revenue streams, allowing creators to focus on engaging their audience while we handle the technical details.
Technical support image
Technical supportWe provide technical support and server moderation. Our team is here to help you every step of the way, so you can focus on engaging your audience while we handle the technical stuff.

How do we work?

Let us get to know you

The project begins with a workshop to align your team and our experts, understand your business and your audience.

Pick the right plan

We will help you choose the right plan for you. Next, we need to focus on details - based on your target audience we'll help you choose best platform and other tools. We will be there for you when you need us, for e.g. when planning offer for your clients.

Development stage

When everything is setup, we will start developing your community. We will be in touch with you all the time, so you can be sure that everything is going as planned. This is the boring technical stuff like making your website and server.


After the launch, we will be there for you to help you with any problems you might have. We will also help you with any updates and changes you might want to make. Also our moderators are 24/7 to help you manage the community.




If you're just starting out, this one is for you.

  • Customized website
  • Community server
  • Technical support


You are serious about your community.

  • Customized website
  • Community server
  • Technical support
  • Moderation


You are ready to grow and need a partner to help you.

  • Customized website
  • Community server
  • Technical support
  • Moderation
  • Growth strategy
Customized website
Community server one of (Discord, X, Telegram, Facebook)
Troubleshooting and support
Payment system integrationStripe only
Form integration
GDPR/RODO compliance
Privacy and refund policies
Captcha and Google Analytics
Free hosting and domain
Design services
Marketing services
SEO services
Business strategy consulting
Scheduled monthly website updates1510
Scheduled monthly server updates1510
Additional server customization (bots, integrations)$50$20$5
Additional website customization (design, integrations)$50$20$5


Let's talk!

We will get back to you in minutes.

We will never share your data with third parties.